Have you ever lived a moment in which you stopped and told yourself, "Man, this moment needs music!"
That intense moment on the freeway when 5 police cars pass you while chasing someone doesn't count.
(Insert the Hollywood action music here...)
No, I mean real moments! Moments like the ones we got to share with Rebecca and Jonathan during this engagement session. There were times when we watched the golden light pour through the trees onto them while they kissed and laughed that it almost seemed unnatural not to have a soundtrack. Alas, we're not John Cusack, and this isn't the film "Say Anything", but had there been music involved, being the hopeless romantics that we are, "In your eyes" would definitely be at the top of the list.
Why is this post so 80's?!?... Good Question. Not sure. Rick's idea.
When we sat down with Rebecca, Jonathan, Rebecca's mom, and Aria, their adorable daughter, the conversation started flowing like musical chords. Like from a country song, R&J met by serendipity and had basically moved heaven and earth to be with each other. Rebecca had moved back from Missouri to be with Jonathan.
Swoon much?!
We moved through subjects like a beautifully written chord progression. Rebecca kept us laughing with her expressive gestures, while Jonathan gave her the cool and collected "Yep! That's my girl, and don't you forget it!" smile.
When R&J talked about where they wanted to shoot their engagement session, we were all extremely excited about the location.
"There's a lake and a barn, oh and we have horses too," Jonathan said as he described the location of our shoot.
He and his family own a farm that cannot be described in writing.
"You have horses?" Rick asked Jonathan to confirm what he'd just said.
"Yep. We have a few."
[EXCITEMENT OVERLOAD]>>>01001110101010101010100010
[CAN NOT COMPUTE]>>>0101000011111000100011000100100
We've never worked with horses before so you can see where our excitement threw us off of the saddle!
When we showed up to the farm, it was the most beautiful day we'd seen in January yet. The sun was high, and the temperature also. You can't ask for much more from a January day in TN. We pulled up to the barn and knew that this engagement session was going to be amazing. We started off in the pasture to get some photos of Aria with Jonathon and Rebecca. After we got some adorable family shots it was time for aria to head out with Rebecca's mom while we transitioned into some more intimate photos. We trudged through the muddy fields past the lake and back to the beautiful wooded area. As we arrived the sun was shining through the trees exactly how we had hoped. Where's the music?!
Rebecca and Jonathon took to our instructions brilliantly. They were quick to hug and kiss and Rebecca was full of giggles. As the sun started to set we raced back through the fields up to the barn to get one of the horses out on the pasture to help out with our epic engagement session. Rebecca and Jonathon were in their 4x4 truck while we followed in their ATV. When we came up the hill we could see the barn in the distance, Shelby had us stop and get a few quick shots with the barn in the background. The sun was setting beautifully on the wooden barn and made for the most scenic backdrop. We continued back to the barn where Rebecca and Jonathon grabbed one of the horses. As we walked and took photos with the horse we realized she had quite the personality! When they laughed, so did the horse! We think the horse must be a direct descendant of Mr. Ed, the talking horse!
Overall, the moody and sunny tones of the set give it a really rich and intriguing vibe, and the wildflowers coupled with the sun-drenched tree line makes us want to sing...
"All my instincts, they return
And the grand facade, so soon will burn
Without a noise, without my pride
I reach out from the inside "
Where's my boombox?...
-Shelby and Rick